September 19, 2024

Athens News

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The roots of nationalism and its essence

In despotism, humiliation and ignorance lies the germ of nationalism. Greed, power and wealth of the masters, humiliation and poverty of the slaves – these are the essence and roots of nationalism.

Nationalism comes from the inner state of the slave and the master. People become masters and slaves not by nationality, but by greed, arrogance, ignorance and cowardice. The speech of different nations differs from each other in one thing – whether the speaker's words sound true or false. Otherwise, there is no difference.

Slave Nationalism – is a primitive dark driving force, emanating from the hatred of a hungry, humiliated, cowardly and ignorant man. Disenfranchised people-slaves – from envy, resentment and oppression – vent their anger on the innocent, speaking a different language. It is safer for a slave to do evil to the weak than to go against the power of his master and his vice. Inside the hateful nationalist essence of the slave and his master lives an animal fear. Similar behavior can be observed in dogs, suppressed and humiliated by training, who attack those who cannot resist: their smaller brothers, the weak, children.

Greater in scale of harm caused nationalism of the masterswhich is born in wealth, power and malicious lies.

“The source of lies is always the desire to spread one's will.” (German thinker, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, 18th century).

All who hinder the masters in achieving their goals are their enemies. How to make ignorant slaves fight and kill? It is necessary to kindle hatred in them (the driving energy of animals). The nationalism of the masters incites slaves, deceives them with patriotic slogans, binds their pride and will with oaths and vows, tempts with contentment, money, rewards, positions or forces with weapons, lyingly saying: “He is your enemy, he is a stranger, he speaks another language, he is free, subjugate him to me.”

– Why is he your enemy?

“He is free, he speaks the truth, and therefore he is dangerous to our vanity and self-interest.

It follows from this that the task of any ruling regime (to keep wealth and power in its hands) is to keep people in ignorance, hiding the truth, “feeding” them lies. Then a person crushed by deception and fear is capable of becoming a slave and a nationalist.

“Cowardice takes away reason.” (German thinker XIX century Friedrich Engels).

A free and educated person cannot be made a slave to vice or the power of the master, and therefore he will not become a nationalist or a misanthrope. The stronger the greed, despotism, ignorance and violence of the power of the masters, the less freedom in society, the greater the poverty and humiliation of the people, and the more vividly nationalism manifests itself.

How to fight nationalism? With freedom of speech and education. This is the very “drop” of truth that extinguishes the flame of the “sea” of lies of nationalism.

Vladimir Garmatyuk.

Russia, Vologda


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