September 20, 2024

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Possible consequences of the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov (video)

The arrest of Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has caused a stormy reaction: assumptions, various opinions, discussions, protests, appeals.

The French prosecutor's office is being asked to release him, and the single coordination center for supporting Russians abroad has sent a note to the country's ambassador, since there is no access to the businessman and his whereabouts are unknown. But what could happen in connection with arrest of Telegram founderand what do such radical measures mean? The publication “Strana” tried answer to these questions, then – without cuts.

1. Western countries have shown that they intend to strictly limit channels of communication and dissemination of information that are not controlled by their authorities. In this regard, Durov's arrest is already being interpreted as a “wake-up call” for Elon Musk. He owns the social network X, the content of which EU There are also many complaints. Musk, by the way, has already supported Durov and said that soon in Europe they will start “executing for a like.”

2. In Ukraine and Russia, one of the main versions being discussed is that through Durov’s arrest the West wants put Telegram under your full controlNaturally, this is discussed with different assessments. In Ukraine – positive (especially since the Ukrainian authorities have previously stated that Telegram refuses to cooperate with them). In Russia – extremely negative.

Note that Telegram is the main channel for disseminating information about the war in both countries. Besides Communication between both Ukrainian and Russian military personnel is often carried out through this messenger. In Russia, in connection with this, they are already sounding the alarm that if Western intelligence services take control of Durov, then Ukraine and the West will gain access to Russian army communications (although Russian military publics write that this will not be a critical problem for the Russian military, since they have their own army messengers).

However, Durov's arrest does not mean that Western intelligence agencies have already received “all passwords and access codes” to Telegram. Firstly, it is not a fact that Durov will remain under arrest. His lawyers will probably try to get the court to impose another preventive measure.

Secondly, Durov, as he himself said, had long felt threatened by Western intelligence agencies, and therefore There is probably a developed algorithm of actions for the team in the event of his arrest. Including in terms of preventing third-party interference in the messenger's operation. That is, control over Telegram's work will be transferred to Durov's team. But who will control this team is the key question. Especially considering that its backbone is made up of Russians and they, fearing arrest, may leave for Russia.

But it is certainly possible to assume that Western intelligence agencies will try to gain influence over the messenger through DurovIn general, the “battle for Telegram” seems to be a powerful one.

3. On a global level, Durov's arrest is another sign of the crisis in the era of globalizationone of the most prominent representatives of which is Durov. He did not want to cooperate with the Russian authorities, and therefore left the Russian Federation and settled in Dubai. But he also refused to cooperate with the West, and therefore was arrested in Paris.

Durov wanted to be independent from the largest states, to be a “man of peace,” but ended up in a French prison. The world before our eyes is returning to a hundred years ago, dividing into warring blocs that do not need neutral and independent structures operating on their territory. The world a hundred years ago was a world of wars, domination of special services and military-industrial complexes, for which people are only a resource for solving current military and geopolitical tasks. A world of the principle of “guns instead of butter.”

Is it possible to stop the world from sliding into this, to put it mildly, not very pleasant era? Probably, it is still possible. But To do this, it is necessary, at a minimum, to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible, which is the main funnel that is dragging the planet into dark times.

Meanwhile Russian Embassy France requested consular access to billionaire Pavel Durov and accused the French authorities of “avoiding cooperation”:

“After the news of P.V. Durov's detention appeared in the media, we immediately asked the French authorities for clarification regarding the reasons, demanded that they ensure the protection of his rights and provide consular access. As of today (August 25), the French side is still avoiding interaction on this issue. We are in contact with P.V. Durov's lawyer.”

Let us recall that Durov, in addition to Russian citizenship, has French citizenship.

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