September 19, 2024

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Alain Delon: "I want to leave, I'm sick of this world"

French actor Alain Delon, who died on August 18 this year, repeatedly expressed disappointment with the era and humanity in his interviews. He admitted that before his death he would not regret leaving this world.

In 2017, he left the world of cinema, and two years later, the actor suffered a stroke. Doctors performed an operation, after which they fought for his life for three weeks. Delon's condition improved, and soon after completing rehabilitation, he began to recover. However, the disease that overtook him left traces – his health deteriorated significantly. He began to suffer from nervous disorders, and two years later, he was diagnosed with progressive lymphoma.

Against the backdrop of his illnesses, the actor began to speak openly about death in various interviews: “I want to die. Life is over,” “I hate the time we live in, it makes me sick.” Delon noted that he did not want to live to old age and become a burden to his loved ones.


Very soon he lost interest in life, began to lead a secluded life and began selling off his property: collections of watches, weapons, works of famous artists, collected by him over six decades, as well as all real estate, with the exception of the estate. After which he was legally characterized as “incompetent” and a guardian was appointed, his daughter Anushka. From that moment on, the actor ceased to have the ability to dispose of his property, sell valuables.

The desire to part with life intensified after the death of his ex-wife Nathalie Delon and friend Jean-Paul Belmondo. After the latter's funeral, the actor told journalists that it would be nice if they died on the same day.

According to the Guardian, Alain Delon wanted his beloved dog Lubo to be put to sleep and buried together when he died (using the euthanasia procedure). The actor did not want the dog to “grieve for its owner”, suffering from an irreparable loss at his grave. The wish of the late French actor has sparked outrage among animal rights activists. And therefore it was rejected by the heirs as a “clause of the will”.

The actor who died on Sunday, 08/18/2024, at the age of 88has publicly stated that he wants his dog, a 10-year-old Belgian Malinois named Lambo, to also “fall into eternal sleep” and be buried with him in his home cemetery, where his estate is located.

In his later years, Alain Delon lived alone, surrounded by his dogs. Actor always showed love for animals and supported five shelters for homeless dogs and cats at his own expenseHe repeatedly stressed with regret that True love is only available to dogs.


“Do you really think my dogs understand who I am, Alain Delon? They are not interested at all. They love me just like that, regardless of my status or profession. This is pure selfless love, absolutely sincere! ” he noted.

His estate contains a necropolis where several dozen cats and dogs that lived in the actor’s estate at different times are buried.

After Following a stroke in 2019, Delon made a willin which he expressed his desire to be buried here, among his true friends.


After losing his loved ones, Delon began to speak publicly about what he wanted to end one's life by euthanasiaThis procedure is prohibited in France, the actor's home country, but is permitted in Switzerland, of which he is a citizen.

“From a certain age, we have the right to leave quietly, avoiding hospitals, injections, and so on,” he said more than once during his lifetime.

First an actor asked his son Anthony to help him with the procedure, but he refused. It was then decided that his daughter Anushka, who lives in Switzerland, would help him to leave this life peacefully. However, the process was never launched (other publications say that euthanasia was performed after all).

The celebrity voiced the brutal truth in an interview with Paris Match in January 2018. He said that he was worried the most miserable period of her life, since she no longer “offers him anything special.” “I've seen it all, I've lived through it all. But most of all, I hate this era, it makes me sick. There are people I hate. They all fake, all disfigured. No more respect, no more weight of the given word. For them all that matters is money“, Delon said.

“You hear about crimes all day long. I know that I will leave this world without any regrets. No, that's for sure, I really won't regret leaving it,” the actor admitted.

Alain Delon disposed of his capital of several tens of millions of euros in the will he had drawn up earlier, he wrote half of it to his daughter Anushka and divided the other half equally between his two sons. Of course, the brothers fundamentally disagree with this. They are against her managing their famous father's property and making major transactions on his behalf (as a guardian). Delon's sons from different women – Anthony and Alain-Fabien – were also outraged by their father's will, which believes that his daughter should get 50% of the inheritance, and they should get only 25% each.

Based on materials from Greek and Russian media

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