September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How does the situation in Kursk region affect potential peace talks?

The British newspaper The Telegraph writes that the time for thinking about negotiations and compromises with Russia is over: things are moving towards Ukraine’s victory in the war.

Hans Petter Midttun, the author of one of the columns in the publication and a member of the board of the Ukrainian Institute of Security and Maritime Law, believes that “the situation is already changing in Ukraine's favor.” In his opinion, the offensive on the Kursk region is changing the course of the war.

He expressed the opinion that the Ukrainian economy, thanks to its partners, is in a much better condition than the Russian one and believes that already in 2025 the Russian Federation will reach a “critical point of exhaustion”:

“With the help of the West, Ukraine is gradually defeating Russia.”

According to Frances Dearnley, assistant editor of The Telegraph's comments and author of the second column publicationsthe topics of ceasefire and negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation have ceased to be discussed in the West after the Ukrainian Armed Forces' offensive in the Kursk region. The author believes that instead, Western countries are now talking about new arms deliveries and permission to use them inside Russia.

However, in the Western media, writes “The Politics of the Country” also contains other assessments of the Kursk offensive and its consequences.

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