September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Russia Accuses Ukraine of Preparing Attack on Nuclear Power Plant "dirty" bomb

Russia has published a whole series of statements about an imminent “nuclear strike by the Ukrainian Armed Forces” and about preparations for an attack on the Zaporizhzhya and Kursk nuclear power plants.

Military correspondent Khairullin, with reference to some of his own sources, statedthat the Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing “an explosion of a dirty nuclear bomb, the strikes are planned on the storage sites of spent fuel of nuclear power plants.” Khairullin claims that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already brought in special warheads to the city of Zhovti Vody in the Dnipropetrovsk region to strike at storage sites for spent nuclear fuel.

Meanwhile, the Russian-appointed Kharkiv regional administration stated that, according to “operational information from prisoners of war,” Ukraine plans strike nuclear facilities. They claim that at the moment it is known about the intention of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to attack nuclear facilities of the Kursk and Zaporizhzhya NPPs in Kurchatov and Energodar. And the state agency RIA Novosti, citing the “Russian security agency”, writes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces “they are planning to use charges with warheads containing radioactive substances to attack the Kursk and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants.”

Ukraine has not yet officially commented on any of this. Ukrainian publics suggest that this could be Russia preparing for some “sharp moves.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine has officially denied reports in Russian publications about Ukraine's plans to use “dirty bombs” and attack the nuclear power plant.

“We are witnessing another wave of crazy Russian propaganda about Ukraine's alleged plans to use “dirty bombs” or attack nuclear power plants. We officially refute these false reports. Ukraine has neither the intention nor the ability to commit any such actions. Russia must stop spreading dangerous lies,” – said Foreign Ministry spokesman Georgy Tikhiy.

Meanwhile, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Rodion Miroshnik stated that “Western masters of the Ukrainian government must take very seriously the information about the Ukrainian side preparing a provocation using a 'dirty bomb'.”

The Center for Countering Disinformation also commented on reports from Russian publications that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing a “dirty bomb” strike on the Zaporizhzhya NPP. The head of the Center, Kovalenko, said that the Russian Federation may be preparing “nuclear provocation”.

Political scientist Krejci:

A “dirty bomb” is a container containing radioactive isotopes and an explosive charge.. When detonated, the container is destroyed and the radioactive substance is dispersed by the shock wave, contaminating large areas. The following radioactive substances can be used: americium-241, californium-252, cesium-137, cobalt-60, iridium-192, plutonium-238, polonium-210, radium-226, strontium-90 and uranium oxide. Uranium oxide contained in spent fuel elements stored in spent nuclear fuel storage facilities and radioactive substances from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant storage facilities can also be used.

How is a dirty bomb different from a nuclear bomb? When a dirty bomb detonates, radioactive materials are dispersed, while an atomic bomb explodes in a chain reaction releasing a huge amount of energy. The cloud from a dirty bomb explosion spreads over several square kilometers, while an atomic bomb can cover tens, hundreds, and even thousands of square kilometers. In most cases, a dirty bomb does not cause serious illness or death, unlike an atomic bomb, which can lead to radiation sickness and death.

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