September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Cause of death of 48-year-old man in Pyrgos was NOT a bite of a red spider (video)

An unexpected turn in the case of the death of a 48-year-old man in Ilia Pyrgos – an autopsy showed that he died of streptococcus.

Forensic expert Angeliki Tsiola says there has been another death in the region from streptococcus.

Our publication reported a few days ago that Man bitten by spider in critical condition. He was on holiday in Ilia and was hospitalised after an encounter with the spider on 6 August. The man initially felt pain in his leg, not realising that he had been bitten. However, his condition rapidly worsened, with symptoms consistent with a poisonous bite. He was intubated and hospitalised in serious but stable condition at Andreas Papandreou Hospital.

After his death, the director of the surgical clinic of Pyrgos Hospital Angeliki Sarantopoulou said in a television interview:

“Based on the descriptions, we believe it was a bite from a red spider (Loxosceles rufescens). There is no antidote for the venom of this spider, and in general, this is an unusually rapid development. If at first it seems that nothing serious, that the patient does not notice the bite, then after 72 hours there is a rapid deterioration. Unfortunately, despite the superhuman efforts of all the staff, our patient ultimately did not survive. This was known from the very beginning. Unfortunately, such incidents do not have a good outcome. We tried very hard.”

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