September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Natural pearls in the Euboean Gulf

The Euboean Gulf has suitable conditions for growing pearl oysters, says Dimitris Pafras, a PhD candidate in marine biology and fisheries.

On the “Society Hour” program on the MEGA channel, he spoke about the first comprehensive study of the pearl shell, conducted by a team from the University of Thessaly, and explained that “the pearl oyster is a mollusk that lives in the waters of the Euboean Gulf.”

“When we say that a shell contains pearls, we mean that pearls can form in it. It is believed that a natural pearl is created inside a shell when a foreign body gets into it. If, for example, a grain of sand gets in, after some time it will become a pearl. Over the years, a pearl is created inside. It takes 3-5 years to create a medium-sized one,” the expert says.

Regarding the research conducted, Dimitris Pafras reported that experts studied pearl production and also made an inventory to determine how much pearl mussel stocks there are and the approximate profit.

“Prices depend on the size, color, clarity, weight of the pearl. The hunt for shells has already begun. In addition, the contents of the shell, the oyster, are edible and very tasty,” he concluded.

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