September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Tragedy in Chalkidiki: 8-year-old girl dead (video)

An eight-year-old girl drowned in a camp in Chalkidiki, and the 19-year-old leader of a group of children was taken into custody.

Greek police have arrested the leader of a group of children on holiday at a camp in Chalkidiki. On Tuesday, August 13, one of the girls went missing, as it turned out during a head count after dinner. She was found unconscious in the swimming pool of the campsite where the children were staying.

How writes CNN Greece, the hours-long testimony process has ended, and the investigation will now continue against three people, establishing the guilt of each – the group leader, the rescuer and the camp commander.

The leader of the group was arrested on the basis of Article 306 of the Criminal Code, which provides for liability for failure to provide assistance to a person who is under the protection of the accused. Today, Wednesday, August 14, he will appear before the criminal prosecutor of Chalkidiki. An investigation is underway into the remaining individuals to determine the exact circumstances under which the child was found in the pool.

The baby's death was officially confirmed at 19:00 at the AHEPA hospital in Thessaloniki. She was initially intubated, but despite all the efforts of the emergency room and hospital doctors, she could not be saved – she never regained consciousness.

According to sources, the children went to a restaurant for dinner after the pool and returned to the rooms for counting before going to bed. The girl's absence was noticed by the responsible group leader, who raised the alarm. A search for the missing child began immediately, but unfortunately, he was found lifeless in the pool.

Two ambulances arrived at the scene, accompanied by a doctor. The girl was first taken to the Kassandrea Health Center. A few minutes later, doctors intubated her. The unconscious child was then taken to the AHEPA Hospital in Thessaloniki, where she was pronounced dead.

The exact cause of the girl's death will be “revealed” by the results of the autopsy, which will be conducted at the Forensic Medical Examination Department of Thessaloniki. The investigation into the child's death is being conducted by A. T. Kassandra.

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