September 16, 2024

Athens News

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Gaza: Two Al Jazeera journalists killed in Israeli raid

A reporter and cameraman for Qatar's Al Jazeera were killed in an Israeli strike in the Gaza Strip. Journalist Ismail al-Wool and his cameraman Rami al-Refi raised the number of Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023, up to 165 people.

“Journalist Ismail al-Woul and his cameraman Rami al-Refi were killed in an Israeli attack in the Gaza Strip,” – the channel reported, adding that the attack was carried out on “a vehicle in the Aidiyah area, west of Gaza City.” Colleague Anas Al Sharif told Al Jazeera that Wool and Rifi were planning to take footage near the home of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader killed today in Iran.

In May 2024, the Israeli government announced it would ban the channel. The Israeli government considers the Qatari channel a mouthpiece for the radical Islamist movement Hamas and voted unanimously to ban Al Jazeera in the country.

Formerly the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) approved the lawwhich allows the closure of “hostile media” in the country. The document is called the “Al Jazeera law” because it is aimed at the TV channel. Since then, according to Al Jazeera, Israeli authorities “opened a hunt for its journalists”.

The number of Palestinian journalists killed by Israeli fire since October 7, 2023 has risen to 165, the Hamas government said.


“Along with the journalists who have fallen victim to the war, their families have been killed in Gaza, and their colleagues have been killed or forced to flee, while the Israeli military has categorically denied attacks on journalists or has provided only scant information when it has acknowledged the killings of members of the press. Critical information about the lives and work of these journalists may be lost forever,” writes Committee to Protect Journalists website.

In addition to those killed, in Israeli prisons or under house arrest (as of July 31, 2024) in Israel are located 36 journalists. The above information does not arouse much interest among international media, which are more concerned about the situation in China, Belarus, Russia and Iran.

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