September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Polish Foreign Ministry proposes Hungary to leave NATO and EU

Following the scandalous statements by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has proposed that he leave NATO and the European Union.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Teofil Bartoszewski doubted the advisability of Hungary's membership in these alliances after hearing statements directed against his country by the Hungarian Prime Minister. writes RAR agency.

The Deputy Head of the Polish Foreign Ministry emphasized that, unlike Orban, his country does not do business with the Russian Federation after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, “because it was an attack on Poland, the United States, the European Union and NATO.” He also noted that Orban's speech had already been extremely negatively commented on by the US Embassy in Budapest:

“I don't really understand why Hungary wants to remain a member of organizations that they don't like so much and that allegedly treat them badly. Why doesn't he (Orban) form an alliance with Putin and with some authoritarian states of this type? It's on the principle that if you don't want to be a member of some club, you can always leave. This is certainly the anti-European, anti-Ukrainian, anti-Polish policy of Hungary at the moment.”

The Polish Deputy Foreign Minister recalled that Hungary is also blocking two billion zlotys (467 million euros) from the European Peace Fund intended for Poland. EU for compensation for military equipment received by Ukraine.

The day before, during a keynote speech at the “Tusvanyos Summer University” in the Romanian resort town of Beile Tusnad, the Hungarian Prime Minister said that the Poles “are pursuing the most hypocritical and sanctimonious policy in all of Europe” because they allegedly “shamelessly do business” with Russia.

Relations between Warsaw and Budapest have cooled since Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine due to differences over attitudes. However, Orban has so far avoided such outspoken criticism of Poland, the RAP news agency notes.

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