September 19, 2024

Athens News

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World's Mixed Reaction to Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony (Video)

Some call the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games a unique grand show, others – a provocative spectacle. The reaction to the celebrations was indeed mixed.

How tells Euronews, anyway the spectacle turned out to be bright and unusual – what are Marie Antoinette with her severed head in her hands, bearded women, mechanical horses and, of course, the bright colors of fireworks and performances of stars. The Seine, facades and roofs of houses, bridges acted as a huge stage. And even the rain could not spoil the mood and the magic festive action.

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen wrote on the X website that the event celebrated “global cooperation, solidarity, justice and sporting perseverance.”

Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz noted that the ceremony was “unique” and wished the German Olympic team good luck in the upcoming games.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau praised the performance of Canadian singer Celine Dion, calling it one that “we will never forget.”

Reviews of the ceremony in other countries were less enthusiastic, with many social media users calling it “strange” and criticising the decision to hold it on the River Seine rather than the stadium where it is traditionally held.

In one of the reviews of the event British newspaper The Guardian called its execution “uneven” and noted that the rain, which continued throughout several performances, was distracting.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova came out with a detailed critical “analysis” of the production, seeing in it, in particular, “an LGBT mockery of a sacred Christian story – the Last Supper, where the apostles were portrayed by transvestites.”

French newspaper Le Figaro also admitted that some parts of the show were “just too much” and that the re-creation of the Last Supper of Jesus and his apostles against the backdrop of a fashion show was “unnecessarily provocative.”

To Honored Coach of the USSR in Figure Skating Tatyana Tarasova liked the ceremony. In a comment for Russian media, she called it colorful and original:

“It was a very beautiful opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in a very colorful place, made by the French in their capital. I liked that the opening was held in such a place, never before had any delegation at the parade of athletes at the opening of the Olympics sailed along the river. It was a bright, original and beautiful spectacle, which took into account the historical and national characteristics of the city and the country. And the fact that the flag of the International Olympic Committee was upside down when it was raised did not spoil my impressions of the opening ceremony of the Olympics.”

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