September 19, 2024

Athens News

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France: ECHR decides on law on punishment of clients of prostitutes (video)

The European Court of Human Rights has announced its verdict on a 2016 law punishing clients for actions related to sexual services.

The ECHR, based in Strasbourg, ruled that writes Euronews that the fines do not violate the European Convention on Human Rights. Earlier, more than 260 sex workers went to court, criticizing the consequences a 2016 French law aimed at combating sexual exploitation that fines clients.

Opponents of the law say it has pushed sex workers underground and exposed them to greater risks. The court countered that those dangers existed before the law was introduced.

With the Olympic Games and the huge number of tourists, French authorities fear an increase in prostitution in the country. According to experts, approximately 40 thousand people are engaged in this type of activity. The government measures have been taken to raise awareness among the population and tourists. The fine is 1,500 thousand euros.

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