September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Stray dogs spark heated debate in Turkish parliament (video)

The Turkish parliament last week discussed a bill to euthanize stray dogs. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, there are about four million homeless animals in the country.

A bill introduced by Erdogan's party to kill stray animals is the subject of heated debate in parliament. The opposition and animal rights activists have spoken out against it.

The initiative was put forward by the president's ruling party. Many homeless animals roam in packs, and there are cases of attacks on people. The bill, which has caused a huge stir, obliges municipalities to catch stray dogs and place them in shelters for sterilization. Animals with rabies and aggressive animals will be euthanized.

Municipalities will also be required to build additional shelters for four-legged animals and improve their living conditions in those already in operation. Animal rights activists claim that local authorities will mass exterminate animals in order to save money. Activists are protesting outside the parliament building, demanding that the bill be withdrawn.

Turkey's opposition also opposes it. But Erdogan's Justice and Development Party, in coalition with others, has a majority in parliament, and the bill is likely to pass when it comes up for final approval.

We previously talked about how to protect yourself from dog attacks.

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