September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Survey about "brotherhood of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples"

Only 3 out of 100 Ukrainian citizens believe that Ukrainians and Russians are “brothers,” according to an analysis of a survey conducted by the sociological service “Razumkov Center.”

Only 3% of Ukrainian respondents agree with the statement that “Ukrainians and Russians have always been and remain fraternal peoples.” Survey participants were asked to make a choice from three statements:

  1. “Ukrainians and Russians have always been and remain fraternal peoples”;
  2. “Ukrainians and Russians used to be fraternal peoples, but they are no longer so”;
  3. “Ukrainians and Russians have never been fraternal peoples.”

Researchers celebrateWhat One of the fundamental mythologies of Soviet times was the “brotherhood of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples.” And how is it perceived in modern Ukraine?

With the first judgment (“Ukrainians and Russians have always been and remain fraternal peoples”) In 2017, about 27% of respondents agreed, in 2024 only 3% shared it.

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The proportion of those who hold the opinion that Ukrainians and Russians have never been fraternal peoples has increased significantly (from 16% to 44%).

The proportion of those who believe that Ukrainians and Russians are no longer fraternal peoples, although they used to be, has decreased from 50% to 46%.

The researchers note that particularly noticeable changes compared to 2017 occurred in the Eastern and Southern regions. If earlier 52% of residents of the East believed that Ukrainians and Russians are fraternal peoples, now only 7% share this point of view. In the Southern region, the share of those who think so has decreased from 45% to the same 7%.

The survey was conducted from June 6 to 12 using the face-to-face method only in territories controlled by the Ukrainian government and where no military action is taking place. 2,016 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%. Additional systematic deviations in the sample may be due to the consequences of Russian aggression and the forced evacuation of millions of citizens.

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