September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Romania shot down Russian drones in Ukrainian airspace (updated)

NATO member Romania shot down Russian drones flying in Ukrainian airspace on the border with Ukraine in the Danube River delta.

The video shows how Gepard anti-aircraft mounts destroy Russian drones in the area of ​​Izmail, the largest Ukrainian port on the Danube River.

A new video shows Romanian soldiers looking towards the Ukrainian side of the river after Russian suicide drones struck the port of Izmail yesterday. The video was uploaded to Facebook by the same user who first posted another video showing Romanian soldiers discussing Romanian cheetahs shooting at Russian suicide drones.

Video shows Romanian Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns shooting down Russian suicide drones across the river separating Romania and Ukraine near Izmail. Romania was forced to take action after at least one suicide drone penetrated 11km into its territory and more drones appeared on their way.

Romania has fired on and destroyed several Russian Suicide drones over Ukrainian airspace, marking the first time a NATO country has destroyed Russian equipment in Ukraine.

Romania took the step after a Russian droneThe plane entered its airspace and crashed on its territory after bombing wheat warehouses in Izmail.

One of three Iranian-Russian Shahed 136/131 drones that flew into Romania that night and set fire to a forest.

The statement from the Romanian Ministry of Defense reads as follows: “The Ministry of Defence has ordered searches to be carried out in the Plauru area to identify possible objects that fell on national territory.” Several hours later, the site where the Russian drone allegedly crashed was discovered, which also caused a fire in the forest.

However, the North Atlantic alliance said there was no indication that the wreckage of a Russian drone found in Romania was evidence of a deliberate attack on NATO territory. “While NATO has no information to indicate that Russia is deliberately attacking allied territory, these actions are irresponsible and potentially dangerous,” said a statement from an alliance representative.


The Romanian Defense Ministry has denied reports that Romanian troops shot down Russian Shaheds last night.

“We would like to draw your attention to a series of false messages circulated on the X platform (former Twitter) and other social networks, claiming that the Romanian Army's air defense assets deployed on the border opened fire on drones,” the Romanian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

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