September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Two-wheeled vehicles are being removed from the streets of Athens

Since the beginning of 2024, work has begun to remove abandoned motorcycles from the streets of the capital's Agios Dimitrios district, as part of the implementation of the commitments of Mayor Stelios Mamalakis and the new municipal administration.

Over the past six months, under the leadership of the responsible Vice Mayor Giorgos Tabakopoulos and the authorized municipal councilor Evangelos Malatounis, the municipal police, in cooperation with Small Synergy removed 90 abandoned two-wheeled vehicles from the streets.

They were transported to a specially designated area of ​​the municipality and about half of them have already been sent to ODDY (State Waste Management, Διεύθυνση Διαχείρισης Δημόσιου Υλικού).

Speaking about this action, Mayor Stelios Mamalakis emphasized: “We are ridding our neighborhoods of abandoned two-wheelers, which are a source of pollution and evidence of neglect of the city’s cleanliness. Every day, we fulfill our promises to our fellow citizens. As far as I remember, such actions have not been carried out for many years. We will continue even more vigorously to restore order and improve the image of our city as a whole.”

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