September 7, 2024

Athens News

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Powerful explosion in Tel Aviv, Houthis claim responsibility (video)

A man was killed and eight people were injured in an explosion in Tel Aviv. The Houthis claimed responsibility for the blast.

As Houthi spokesman Yahya Sari stated on the official Telegram channel, the Yemeni armed forces claimed responsibility for the drone attack on Tel Aviv. He promisedthat an important announcement will be made in the near future.

The Israeli Ynet reported that rescuers had found the first victim of the drone explosion. They found a dead man in a house located near the epicenter, next to the US embassy. Eyewitnesses reported that the sound of the explosion was heard in many parts of the city.

The Israeli army press service reported that writes that it was caused by the fall of an air target, while there was no alarm signal warning of the attack. The Air Force has increased patrols to protect the country's skies.

A powerful explosion rocked the intersection of Ben Yehuda and Shalom Aleichem streets in Tel Aviv. Residents living nearby said that the blast blew out their windows. The Magen David Adom ambulance service reported that a 37-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman were slightly injured. A total of eight people received medical care. The attack resulted in one fatality and significant damage.

This is the first successful attack of the Houthis on Tel Aviv. Tonight they tried to blow up (video) US embassy with a drone. They missed a little – only 100 meters, the explosion occurred in another building. The UAV was supposed to fly 2000 km and 7 hours without hindrance. No air defense noticed it. Another 4 UAVs and one ballistic missile were noticed – they were shot down by the Americans.

Yemen said it had used a new drone, the Jaffa, and that Tel Aviv was “within the range of their weapons and would be their main target.”

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