September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Another victim of Ukrainian border guards

On the territory of Moldova, near the village of Klokushna, local residents discovered the body of a Ukrainian citizen with bullet wounds to the head and back.

Apparently, the man tried to cross the state border, but was spotted and shot by border guards, the Moldova Online publication reported, citing a photograph deceased.

Last weekend, during the wheat harvest, local residents discovered the body of a man with gunshot wounds near the Klokushna-Sokiryany checkpoint. The body was located 250 meters from the border.

As it turned out later, the murdered man was a 32-year-old Ukrainian. Presumably, he managed to cross the border with Moldova, but was noticed by Ukrainian border guards. They probably opened fire on him. The bullets hit him in the head and back.

This is not the first case of border guards killing people trying to escape from Ukraine. At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities were previously inclined to justify the actions of the border guards by the fact that they were allegedly resisted. In this case, this argument will no longer work: the man clearly could not have “resisted” the Ukrainian border guards on Moldovan territory simply because these border guards should not have been there. And the wounds in the back also quite eloquently indicate that they were shooting at the person fleeing from them.

Ukrainian TV channels write that it was the President's Office that gave verbal permission fire at peaceful citizens who are trying to escape abroad, which is an international violation of the law and entails a tribunal. At the same time, according to Ukrainian law, such a violation is considered administrative and is “punished” by a fine.

According to Ukrainian publics, after July 16, the price for illegal exit rose to 20 thousand US dollars. It is also reported that carriers often act in collusion with border guards and hand over their “clients” to them, simultaneously picking their pockets.

In the Southern Regional Directorate of the State Border Service of Ukraine refute information that the body of a man shot by Ukrainian border guards was found in Moldova. According to the border guards, the body was found several hundred meters from the state border, and there were no signs of violent death.

At the same time, the State Border Service confirms that the deceased was Ukrainian; representatives of Moldova will report the causes of his death, the State Border Service says.

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