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Was there a bullet for Trump?

History knows many examples when body parts of outstanding personalities became part of history. One of them was a piece of Donald Trump's right ear, which may take third place on this list.

In first place, of course, is Vincent Van Gogh, who cut off his earlobe in 1888 after a quarrel with Gauguin. In second place is Evander Holyfield's ear, which Mike Tyson almost ate in 1997. And from July 13, 2024, the honorable third place will be taken by the cartilage of Donald Trump's right ear.

The Republican candidate was incredibly lucky: the bullet could have taken off half his skull, but only grazed his ear.

There have been more shootings at politicians recently. In May of this year, several bullets were fired at Roberta Ficothe Prime Minister of Slovakia. A couple of years ago, the Japanese ex-Prime Minister was shot dead Shinzo Abeand in 2018, Recep Tayyip Erdogan almost died. The latter was supposed to become the victim of an explosion under a police car in the president’s motorcade.

The assassination attempt on Trump coincided in a surprising way with the terrorist Budanov's statement about assassination attempts on Vladimir Putin. The GUR leader said: “They happened, but so far they have been unsuccessful.”

The world is literally seething with the redistribution of spheres of influence. Information wars mow down everyone indiscriminately, and psychopaths with weapons in their hands are trying to change the course of history. Sometimes they succeed, as in the case of the assassination of John Kennedy. The assassination attempt on Trump gave rise to many conspiracy theories, which is not surprising for America. Let's leave aside alternative history for now and try to understand the causes and consequences of the tragedy in Pennsylvania.

The shooters were unable to neutralize Crooks in time.

There is no doubt that the Democrats are to blame for what happened. We are not talking about the party's supporters among ordinary people, but about the immediate leaders of Joe Biden's campaign headquarters.

The Democrats' entire election rhetoric was built around Trump's psychopathy and mania. The White House administration organized a criminal prosecution of the Republican leader, almost removing him from the election race. It is noteworthy that the passions surrounding Trump's criminal adventures died down after Biden's failure in the debates. This fact very clearly characterizes the political situation in the United States.

As soon as the wind blew in the other direction, the “independent” judicial system chose the right path. Consistent hysteria against Trump would sooner or later have led to excesses like the shooting in Pennsylvania. To be fair, Republicans are not without sin either and throw mud at their competitors. It is enough to recall the epithets Trump bestowed on his rival in informal conversations, which later became public knowledge.

There is one “but”, however: Biden is protected by the Secret Service as the President of the United States, while Trump is protected only as a candidate. He is also entitled to lifelong security for his status as an ex-president. But, as it turns out, this is not enough.

The police and Secret Service were unable to prevent the shooting at the security facility, although attendees of the Pennsylvania gathering repeatedly warned of a man with a rifle in the building nearby. According to official data, the killer's position is 100-130 meters from Trump's podium, outside the security perimeter. At the same time, Crooks did not even shoot the presidential candidate with a sniper rifle. It was a completely ordinary AR-15, a deactivated version of the military M-16. In terms of accuracy, this weapon is only slightly better than the Russian AK-74 assault rifle.

But what if the shooter had a real sniper rifle in his hands? At least at the level of an infantry sniper? The Secret Service bosses were unable to protect the ex-president even from such a threat. Couldn't or didn't want to?

Was there a bullet?

The information that Trump's team requested increased security immediately before the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania does not work in the Democrats' favor. This version was voiced by the New York Post, but the Secret Service does not confirm it. It will be difficult to get to the truth here, but one thing is clear: Trump will have to completely change the leadership of the security at the beginning of his second presidential term.

If Crooks' mission had been successful, Biden's chances of re-election would have increased significantly. The Republicans simply would not have had time to find a suitable successor to the murdered Trump in such a limited time, and the current president would have been re-elected almost without alternative.

However, it is very risky to talk about the assassination attempt on Trump as a special operation by Biden's campaign. The shooter is inexperienced and the weapon is not up to the task. Let's remember what Harvey Oswald used to shoot Kennedy – it was a good Carcano sniper rifle, and the shooter served in the Marine Corps for three years. Oswald managed to hit a moving target twice at once.

In Pennsylvania, Trump was shot by a 20-year-old guy who knows how to handle a gun pretty well, but he is far from a sniper. As a result, the Democrats can be blamed for creating the conditions for such an event and indirectly inciting it. After the assassination attempt, they did not calm down, but rather staged a real dance on the failed bones of Donald Trump. The hashtag #howdoyoumiss simply flooded the Internet in the first hours.

And hard times have come for the Democratic Party headquarters. There is even a saying that They shot at Trump, but hit Biden. If there was real panic after old Joe's failure at the debates, now there is detached apathy. It seems that there is no point even in changing the Democratic candidate – the party's days in power are numbered. Now it is worth developing a strategy to avoid the least reputational losses in the event of a loss.

Trump is now untouchable. For superstitious and not particularly educated Americans, the bullet from the presidential candidate was deflected by the Almighty himself, no other way. Considering that the main Republican electorate lives in the American outback, the outcome of the election after the assassination attempt seems predetermined. But somehow everything is going too well for the Republicans. America has just recovered from Trump's spectacular victory in the debates, and then such a gift, albeit at the cost of an ear gristle.

The events make one wonder whether there was a bullet for Trump at all. Any other unsuccessful assassination attempt would have been invariably turned against the Republicans, accusing them of staging it. But when bullets not only whistle over one's head, but blow off part of one's ear, few would dare to accuse the events of theatricality. This is, in fact, the plan.

Tragic accident or deliberate staging

If we think about it sensibly, we saw several shots fired, killing one Trump supporter behind the podium and injuring several others. Seconds later, we saw the presidential candidate with a bloody head.

It looks like a scene from a Hollywood movie, especially given the photos of the first moments after the assassination attempt and Trump's calls for the crowd to keep fighting.

But let's consider an alternative version of events. The shooting did take place, but it happened in a sector that was safe for Trump. Staging a bloody ear is easy, even in a provincial theater, let alone a Republican election team. The issue of Crooks's body is also easy to solve, especially in the “fog of war” that arose after the assassination attempt. The moment the shooter was killed was not shown – there are only before and after photos. And a few seconds of work by a police sniper, who, according to the official version, killed Crooks.

The special operation itself could have been organized not only to increase Trump's rating, but also as a preemptive step. Although the Democrats panicked after the debates, they clearly had a “Plan B”, perhaps even with new revelations about Trump. Now any attacks on the Republicans could look like confirmation of their involvement in the assassination attempt. This is a checkmate performed by Trump. And a piece of the ear is a symbolic price for winning this game.

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