September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Alexandras Avenue Incidents: Those arrested will testify on Wednesday

Next Wednesday (17/7) those arrested for the riots that broke out on Saturday on Alexandra Avenue near the Panathenaic Stadium are expected to give statements to investigators.

Let us recall that 72 of the detainees were taken to the prosecutor's office, and the other two are undergoing the procedure of detention as prisoners, after which the judicial officer handling the case will issue an arrest warrant for them.

Charges of committing serious and especially serious crimes

The charges against the arrested organised fans concern the following crimes:

  • Creation and membership in a criminal organization
  • Conspiracy to create and participate in a criminal organization
  • Manufacturing of explosive devices
  • incitement to manufacture explosive devices
  • storage of explosives.

The indictment also includes misdemeanor charges of:

  • dangerous bodily harm
  • disturbance of the peace
  • damage to property
  • assault and battery on another person

Possession of objects capable of causing bodily harm, the commission of which is equivalent to “conspiracy with the intent to cause bodily harm in connection with “sporting event”.

The charge also covers offences such as illegal possession of fireworks and firecrackers, illegal carrying and use of firearms, and supply and possession of drugs for personal use.

Five of those detained are their case has been separated into a separate proceeding and will be handled by a juvenile investigator. The adult defendants have been transferred to the 10th ordinary investigating judge to testify.

P.S. It seems that the authorities have decided to tighten the screws again in relation to sports fans, trying to gradually return them to the channel of normal relations. But will it work?

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