September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The most attractive countries for asylum seekers in 2024

Focus publication has named the most attractive European country for refugees.

Hungary, for example, is not at all attractive to asylum seekers, but Germany remains the leader. In the first half of 2024, the number of asylum applications submitted in this country fell by 20% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 115,682. And yet Germany remains the most attractive European country for asylum seekers.

The Focus publication reports on the situation, citing data from the Agency EU for asylum (EUAA):

“New information for the first half of this year shows that the number of asylum applications in Germany is falling sharply, but it remains the number one destination country for asylum seekers in the EU.”

According to the German government, the decrease in the number of applications is due to the introduction of permanent border controls. Most of the applications came from refugees from Syria (29%), Afghanistan (18%) and Turkey (10%).

From January to June, 499,470 asylum applications were filed in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland, according to EE.UU data. This is 2% less than in the same period in 2023. The statistics by country are as follows:

  • Spain – 87,700 applications (+1%),
  • Italy – 81,108 (+32%),
  • France – 77,474 (minus 6%)
  • Greece – 29,776 (+77%),
  • In Austria and Bulgaria, a reduction in the number of applications of 41% and 39% was recorded.

Journalists from Focus report:

“In 2023, a total of 1.14 million asylum applications were submitted in the EU, plus Switzerland and Norway – more than at any time since 2016. The countries with the fewest asylum seekers were Hungary (13), Slovakia (79) and Malta (234).”

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