September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Meat prices jump 44% in two years

From 2009 to the present day, meat products have become 52% more expensive, and over the last two years, the price increase has reached 44%.

Breeders Fomas and Christos Moishos told the morning show MEGA Savvatokyriako that meat prices “have gone up.” The livestock breeders said they will rise even more.

“We are suffering from drought, there has been no rain for 1.5 months, feed has become more expensive. We have no labor force in the greenhouses, and food imports from third countries are more than 350% compared to last year,” they say. In particular, Christos Moishos said that from 2009 to the present, the growth in meat prices has increased by 52%. And by 44% – in the last two years alone.

Meat consumption statistics in Greece:

  • Beef: Greeks consume about 10 kg per capita per year.
  • Lamb: consumption is approximately 5 kg per capita per year.
  • Poultry: consumption is about 26.1 kg per capita per year.

As is particularly emphasized, in recent years, due to the progressive inflation, Greeks cannot afford to eat meat every day.

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