September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

UN General Assembly calls on Russia to withdraw troops from Zaporizhia NPP

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution demanding that Russia vacate the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.

99 states voted in support of the decision, 9 countries voted against and 60 abstained.The resolution addresses the technical and physical safety of Ukraine's nuclear facilities, including the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant. The message was posted on July 11 Online General Assembly.

The UN resolution demands that Russia “cease its aggression against Ukraine” and “withdraw unconditionally all its armed forces from that country within its internationally recognized borders.” While approval by 99 countries is usually considered a success for resolutions, the previous one – on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine – received more than 140 votes in favor.

The document separately contains requirements for the Russian Federation. urgently withdraw its military personnel and other unauthorized personnel from the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) and immediately return the plant to full control of Ukraine.

Russia has been called upon to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) until the plant is returned to full control of Ukraine, and to immediately remove all anti-personnel mines installed around the perimeter of the Zaporizhzhya NPP territory.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia Dmitry Polyansky called the resolution “harmful, highly politicized and has nothing to do with nuclear safety.” Ukrainian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Serhiy Kyslytsya said that Russia is deliberately using the Zaporizhzhya NPP as an element of its military strategy.

Let us remind you, Zaporizhzhya NPP has been in cold shutdown mode since 2022. It is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. After the start of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, it was captured by Russian troops and repeatedly subjected to shelling and drone attacks. Moscow and Kyiv blame each other for these. The IAEA has repeatedly emphasized that at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, “all pillars of nuclear safety” are being destroyed.

After the seizure, the Zaporizhzhya NPP was cut off eight times due to damage to power lines outside its territory. Blackouts pose a threat to the safety of nuclear fuel in reactors and spent fuel pools. The station has not generated electricity since September 11, 2022. All six reactors of the Zaporizhzhya NPP are in cold shutdown mode.

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