September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece 53 new digital services added – the most frequently asked questions from citizens to the digital assistant mAigov

Almost a million Greek citizens have interacted with the digital assistant mAigov over the course of six months, that is, from the day the Greek state “put artificial intelligence to work” in December 2023 until today.

Top 5 topics that concern citizens when contacting a digital assistant:

  • issuance of a new identity card
  • responsible statement
  • social tourism
  • remote prescription
  • certificate of marital status.

At the same time, was expanded with 53 new digital services in June alone, of which 21 are exclusively for citizens, 7 are only for businesses and 25 are available to both citizens and businesses. In addition, last month alone, the number of citizens visiting the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration reached 2.7 million.

It is worth noting that currently has over 1,833 services, up from 503 in March 2020. In about 4.5 years, the page has been visited by almost 8.5 million citizens, either to obtain a document or to make a statement or request.

The registered growth trend shows that is the most useful and necessary tool for citizens, which makes their daily life easier and helps in their relations with the state.

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