September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The Huge Scandal Over Hidden Cameras in Airbnb Homes

A US court case is revealing a rather disturbing reality for Airbnb home rental customers.

Woman sues company after Her dream vacation turned into a voyeuristic orgywhere the homeowner filmed everything that was happening in the house and then posted it online. As it turned out, he also received images of other people renting his apartment.

It was This is not the first time for Airbnb, one of the largest short-term rental companies on the planet.. Usually, The company strives to close such cases quickly and confidentially. However, this time things went differently. The platform representative during his testifying in court, he said that over the past decade the company had to intervene in tens of thousands (!) of similar cases.

He also made even more disturbing statements that were a real revelation. When a customer complains about a hidden camera, the company generally does not notify the police, even if a child is involved.

What What Airbnb can do is forward the complaint to the property owner as part of an internal investigation. – a move that experts believe will ultimately can disrupt criminal investigations by giving the person in charge the time needed to destroy evidence of the crime.

A wide-ranging CNN investigation has found that Airbnb consistently fails to protect its guestsdespite the fact that they are well aware that hidden cameras pose a huge threat to the hospitality industry. At the same time, The company's business practices are aimed at avoiding short-term hosting rules so that the company distances itself from its commitment to guest security and privacy.

Authorities in many countries have found thousands of images and videos from Airbnb home rental customers. Hidden cameras in bedrooms and bathrooms reveal clients' most private moments. And all of this often ends up online…

Many times, officers have been able to find footage of customers in homes before it was made public, but victims say — rightly — that they live in constant fear that their private lives could one day be exposed online. Airbnb declined to comment on the findings of the investigation, CNN reported.

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