September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Strike: Athens Without Taxis Today

Today (11/07/2024) taxi drivers put their vehicles on the hand brake as the Taxi Workers Union (ΣΑΤΑ) declared a 24-hour strike.

The taxi strike began at 6am on Thursday and ends at 6am on Friday.

In addition to the strike, taxi owners held a meeting with their vehicles at 9:30 a.m. at the intersection of Spyrou Patsis and Kavala Avenue.

The main demand of taxi owners is to withdraw the amendment of the Ministry of Tourism, as ΣΑΤΑ claimsthat she “wants to legally prohibit the cross-checking of data that control agencies have the constitutional right to carry out both in relation to the drivers of these vehicles and in relation to the passengers they carry“.
The government is demonstrating in every way its readiness to expropriate our profession, by supporting oligopolies and transnational corporations in every way. It is we who must make it clear that we will no longer tolerate his actions aimed at undermining our family peace and professional dignity.

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