September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Gave a scammer 4.6 thousand euros for a “market pass”

A 59-year-old woman from Kastoria fell victim to a scam and paid 4,666 euros under the pretext of receiving a “market pass”.

She was deceived by a man posing as an employee of an accounting firm who convinced her to transfer money.

A 59-year-old woman from Kastoria fell victim to a scam when she was promised a “market pass” as a benefit.

After a months-long investigation, police have identified the 45-year-old man who was the subject of the a criminal case has been opened. The woman stated that on April 29, an unknown person, who contacted her by phone and claimed to be an employee of an accounting firm, presented her with false facts as if they were true and, under the pretext of issuing a “Market Pass” allowance, convinced her to transfer 4,666 euros to a bank account. Following an investigation by police officers from the Argos Orestiada Police Department in Kastoria, the case was solved and the said the amount of money was returned to its rightful owner.

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