September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Trikala Residents Mistaken Crickets for Flying Cockroaches (Video)

Thousands of crickets (τριζόνια) filled the streets of Trikala, terrifying with their numbers and annoying with their specific sounds.

“They look like flying cockroaches,” say locals of the city and surrounding villages. Literally in the last 24 hours, the insects have “crawled” over a vast area.

How writes, Crickets appear mainly at night and like well-lit places. They are not afraid of cars driving along the street at all. After “taking a walk”, the grasshoppers hide in the cracks they find, mostly in the ground.

Even in such heat, the residents of Trikala are afraid to open their windows: some cannot sleep because of their sounds*, while others are panicky afraid that crickets will get into their houses.

*Male crickets produce loud sounds by rubbing their elytra. The signals they produce are used to attract females, to court a female, or to scare off other males.

Our publication previously reported on Invasion of flying cockroaches in LarisaExperts believe that mild winters are to blame for this.

Their population is large, they say, and this is due to the fact that there were no harsh winters in this area before. But this year, this phenomenon has become even more intense due to the floods that occurred a few months ago. The main feature of this year's situation is that Cockroaches appear in different parts of the city because the presence of wings allows them to move faster.

Municipal water supply and sewerage company of Larisa ΔΕΥΑΛ continues spraying in places with grates. But to achieve a successful result a combination of actions is needed both from ΔΕΥΑΛ and from citizens with spraying of houses.

Their population is large, they say, and this is due to the fact that there were no harsh winters in this area before. But this year, this phenomenon has become even more intense due to the floods that occurred a few months ago. The main feature of this year's situation is that Cockroaches appear in different parts of the city because the presence of wings allows them to move faster.

Municipal water supply and sewerage company of Larisa ΔΕΥΑΛ continues spraying in places with grates. But to achieve a successful result a combination of actions is needed both from ΔΕΥΑΛ and from citizens with spraying of houses.

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