September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Fisherman catches blue shark off Stylida coast

The blue shark was caught on Sunday, July 7, off the coast of Agia Marina Stylida in Phthiotis by professional fisherman Georgios Koutroubas.

According to, the fisherman notified the Stylida port administration about registering the catch, since this particular species of shark is endangered.

The blue shark (γλαυκοκαρχαρίας) is a species that is harmless to humans and can reach a length of 3.8 meters and 390 kilograms, although the average is about 200. Blue sharks are viviparous. The sea creature is very fertile and produces from 25 to 100 cubs. It feeds on small fish and squid, but can also attack larger prey. Sharks form schools that are divided by sex and size of individuals.

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