October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Viper bites elderly woman who tried to protect her two-year-old granddaughter

The snake climbed through the open door of the house of the residents of Larisa and, having entered the bedroom, hid under the bed of the granddaughter, who is only 2 years old.

She did not bite the child, but the grandmother got it. The snake bit the woman when she went into her granddaughter's bedroom. According to onlarissa.gr, the woman saw the snake in the bedroom and tried to get rid of it, having first thrown a sweater over the reptile. However, the viper slipped out from under the clothes and bit the old woman on the finger.

The incident took place in a private house located in the Skotina area. An elderly woman with terrible pain and swelling was hospitalized in Katerinis Hospital in critical condition. Thanks to the immediate response of doctors, her life was saved. Doctors at the hospital told her that if a poisonous snake had bitten her granddaughter, it could have ended fatally.

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