October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Attention: from July 17, all men aged 18-60 must present a military ID at the Ukrainian border

The State Border Service of Ukraine warns: When crossing the border, from July 17, all men aged 18 to 60 will have their military IDs checked.

Having a military registration document is mandatory, in paper or electronic form. The spokesman for the State Border Service, Colonel Andrey Demchenko, warned about this:

“On July 16, the two-month period established by Ukrainian Law No. 3633-IX expires, during which citizens of Ukraine had to register for military service or update their military registration data. Related to this is the full implementation by the State Border Service of Ukraine of the requirements of paragraph 17 of the Procedure for the conscription of citizens for military service during mobilization, for a special period, approved by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 560 of May 16, 2024. Considering this, Starting from 00:00 on July 17, border guards will check military registration documents of all male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60 years when crossing the state border of Ukraine to exit. In the absence of a military registration document, border guards will refuse to allow you to cross the state border to leave Ukraine.”

According to a representative of the State Border Service of Ukraine, The basis for refusing to leave Ukraine will also be the presence in the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons liable for Military Service and Reservists of information about the submission of such a person to the wanted list of the National Police. In such cases, police officers will be called to the scene.

He stressed that the categories of persons who, in accordance with the Rules for crossing the border by citizens of Ukraine, are allowed to leave Ukraine, have not changed at the moment.

Male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 years who have a deferment from conscription or are excluded from military registration due to health reasons have the right to cross the border if they have information in their military registration documents about receiving such a deferment (exclusion from military registration) or a certificate in the form specified in Appendix 6 to the above-mentioned procedure.quotes Demchenko “UP”:

“To avoid any misunderstandings when crossing the border, we ask citizens to take this information into account when planning their trip.”

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