October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ΓΑΔΑ: Investigation of the murder in Psychiko, night interrogation (video)

According to police sources, the man who had previously contacted law enforcement regarding the kidnapping has been brought in as the main suspect in the murder of a 54-year-old surveyor in Psychiko.

The evidence emerged from an analysis by criminal investigation officers of the victim's mobile phone and witness statements. Consultations are underway with the prosecutor's office regarding the issuance of an arrest warrant for the suspect.

The police are trying to find evidence. It is possible that the order to kill the surveyor was given by a person operating in Mykonos. But during the examination of the victim's mobile phone it turned out that there were two people who sent threatening messages to deceased.

The GADA (Generation of the City of Athens) officers handling the case were investigating whether the threats were related to murder, tells CNN Greece: The senders of the threatening messages have been listed as suspects, but there is no evidence or testimony to charge them.

Homicide officers say there is a “good picture” of who the shooter may have been and what his motives were. The motive, according to senior police officials, is a combination of professional and personal differences. Police investigating the case have taken nine statements from Athens and six from Mykonos, and after the funeral, two more statements from mourners from Mykonos and the victim’s wife. No one in the official statements specifically names the person with whom the businessman had fallen out, but many have suggested a real person.

With the help of video materials, the police managed to “map” the killer's path after the execution of the surveyor in Psychiko for at least 1 kilometer. It was established that the criminal had been following the victim's movements for several days, knew his schedule and habits. He waited for him to appear at the scene of the murder for 52 minutes and executed him with two 9-mm pistols to eliminate the possibility of the weapon jamming.

He knew every move the victim made, and authorities have characterized his attack as deliberate. This is also supported by the moment and place the perpetrator decided to execute the man. According to the information available at the moment, the attacker decided to open fire when the victim parked her electric car at a specific charging station in Psychiko, which he used daily.

The criminal did not seem to care that his presence would arouse suspicion. The day before murders he was near both the victim's home in Halandri and the office of a tech company in Psychiko. He knew that his potential victim parked in a certain place and performed the same action every day to charge his electric car. At that moment, he decided to carry out the attack.

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