September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

National Pet Registry expands with seven new digital services

National Companion Animal Registry has expanded with seven new digital services for owners, managers and almost everyone involved with companion animals.

In a joint statement, the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Interior emphasize that the national pet registry,, is now enriched with new services that expand digital opportunities for pet owners and managers, veterinarians, breeders, animal welfare associations, shelters and municipalities.

These services were launched as part of a collaboration between the Ministers of Digital Governance, Dimitris Papastergiou, and the Ministers of the Interior, Theodoris Livanios, which aims to create an integrated and open to all digital system for managing life events related to companion animals, stray or not, to encourage responsible ownership , monitoring their health and well-being, and facilitating the work of veterinarians and stakeholders.

The platform improves the monitoring and protection of companion animals, providing services related to adoption of strays across the country, controlled breeding and better management of captive pets, and now also enables digital assistance in locating and locating lost pets.

In particular the following services are now available in the national companion animal registry either directly on or on the website in the category “Citizen and Everyday Life”:

  • Panhellenic platform for the adoption of stray animals. The national platform includes all companion animals, dogs and cats that are up for adoption, with details, a photo and contact details for the person in charge. It simplifies and speeds up the adoption process in Greece and abroad, and ensures the legality of administrative procedures, guaranteeing transparency for municipalities, associations and animal protection organizations and shelters.
  • Breeder registry for professional and hobby breeders. Another register that unites professional and amateur pet breeders in the country according to certain criteria. An application for registration is submitted through the platform and data on breeding, offspring of bred animals, and tracking of their ownership is collected.
  • Digital service for applying for a license to breed companion animals. In accordance with the current legislation, according to which each companion animal (female or male) can only have offspring once in its life, the relevant municipality in which the owners reside is the competent authority to receive the application and issue the necessary permit digitally.
  • Digital service for submitting an application for surrendering a pet to the municipality and digital service for submitting an application for surrendering a pet to an animal welfare organization, association or shelter. If the owner is no longer able to care for the animal, he has the opportunity to surrender it to the municipality of his place of residence, following established procedures. In the case of exceptional medical conditions or the death of the owner, the animal can be surrendered via a digital app to an animal welfare association or shelter and then placed for adoption on a digital adoption platform.
  • Digital service for viewing the veterinary dossier of a companion animal. It includes all activities (required or not) that have been recorded in the National Pet Registry for a given animal so that owners and their managers can access their animal's complete history.
  • A digital platform for finding and losing pets and a possible pet search reporting service. The goal is to make it easier to track animals that have been reported lost. Citizens who discover a lost animal can use the digital service to notify the owner.
  • Digital Pet Death Reporting Service. To make life easier for pet owners, it is now possible to report the death of a pet through a declaration on the National Companion Animal Registry. Only a certified veterinarian is responsible for final registration of death.

The new digital functions of the project are implemented by the General Secretariat for Information Systems and Digital Governance of the Ministry of Digital Governance with the assistance of the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Companion Animals of the Ministry of the Interior.

National Companion Animal Registry by the numbers


  • 1,224,519 pets owned by 657,125 owners
  • 279,805 homeless animals
  • 2476 veterinarians are users of the system.

Since productive launch in December 2023, the following has been accomplished:

  • 88,307 new animal registrations
  • 88,307 new owner registrations
  • 123,449 registrations of animal sterilization, of which 28,443 were sterilization of stray animals
  • 311,736 vaccination registrations
  • 55,775 registrations of antiparasitic treatments
  • 9,575 registrations of transfer of ownership
  • 8,206 adoption registrations
  • 1,397 registrations about the transfer of animals for foster care
  • 246 applications from animal protection associations and organizations were submitted for registration, 173 of them were approved.
  • 45 applications from shelters were submitted for registration in the relevant register, 19 of them were approved.
  • 1,765 digital pet loss claims
  • 523 digital pet reports
  • 1942 digital applications for the transfer of an animal for foster care.

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