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Dagestan: 15 police officers and civilians were killed in a terrorist attack (video)

In Dagestan June 23 militants attacked a synagogue, Orthodox churches and a traffic police post. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan, law enforcement officers liquidated 4 militants in Makhachkala. Two more were detained on the city beach.

euronews quotes the head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov, who stated that As a result of the terrorist attack in the republic, more than 15 police officers and several civilians were killed, including priest Nikolai Kotelinikov:

“The active phase of operational combat activities in the cities of Makhachkala and Derbent has been completed, security forces killed six militants.”

According to Russian news agencies, around 17:50 on Sunday militants opened fire through the synagogue and the neighboring Orthodox Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dagestan Derbent. A shootout ensued between the attackers and the police who arrived. One of the policemen was killed and another was injured. Unknown people fled in a white Volkswagen Polo.

An attack also occurred in the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, where a police post was attacked. One policeman was reported killed and six wounded. The attackers fled in a black “nine” without license plates. Threatening them with weapons, they took it away from a simple driver:

A synagogue was set on fire in Makhachkala. Videos posted on social media X show the synagogue building on fire and several people firing multiple shots. The head of the Republic of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, published a message in X confirming the incident:

“Tonight in Derbent and Makhachkala, unknown persons made attempts to destabilize the social situation. Dagestan police officers stood in their way. According to preliminary information, there are victims among them.”

Mayor of Makhachkala Yusup Umavov on the terrorist attack in Derbent and Makhachkala:

Derbent is considered home to an ancient Jewish community in the North Caucasus region, which is predominantly Muslim. writes Air Force. Deputy Chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission of Dagestan Shamil Khadulaev in his Telegram channel reported the murder by militants of a priest of the Orthodox Church in Derbent, as well as a security guard of a church in Makhachkala. According to the Russian Orthodox Church, Kotelnikov served for more than 40 years. The POC of Dagestan reported that the priest’s throat was cut.

Criminal cases have been opened regarding the terrorist attack. A counter-terrorism operation (CTO) regime has been declared in the autonomous republic. There are reports that the three liquidated militants have been identified as the sons and nephew of the head of the Sergokalinsky district of Dagestan, Magomed Omarov. He was taken to the police for questioning, and his home was searched. The official wrote a letter of resignation. On Monday night it became known that Omarov was expelled from United Russia.

The shootout near a church in Makhachkala ended, security forces brought out 19 people who were hiding there from militants – According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there was no hostage taking. No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but some officials in Dagestan Ukraine and NATO have already been accused.

“There is no doubt that these terrorist attacks are in one way or another connected with the intelligence services of Ukraine and NATO countries”,” wrote member of the Dagestan parliament Abdulkhakim Gadzhiev on Telegram.

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov stated:

“What happened looks like a vile provocation and an attempt to create discord between faiths.”

At about 23:00, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee reported that the active phase of the special operation in Derbent had been completed. At night, the NAC announced that five attackers were killed during the operation:

“As a result of the military action carried out in Derbent, two bandits were neutralized, and three bandits in Makhachkala.”

Earlier it was reported that six militants were killed – four in Makhachkala, and two in Derbent. The head of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov, also confirmed the data on the six killed attackers. Wherein the exact number of attackers is still unknown. The NAC reported that they are looking for accomplices of militants.

The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under the article “terrorist attack”. June 24-26 have been declared days of mourning in Dagestan.

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