September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Alfred Koch: "The war must be stopped at any cost, otherwise Ukraine will die out"

Former Russian Deputy Prime Minister and now oppositionist Alfred Koch (arrested in absentia in the Russian Federation, lives in Germany), who condemned the Russian invasion and supported Ukraine all this time, called on the Ukrainian authorities to stop the war “at any cost”otherwise country will go extinct.

In an interview with journalist Yevgeny Kiselyov, Koch recalled that even before the war, Ukraine had one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. And after the start of the war it fell even more, in addition, millions of people left, and “color of the nation” dies at the front.

“This war, from Ukraine’s point of view, must be stopped immediately at any cost. Because if this continues, in 40 years this country will not exist… Any more or less qualified demographer will tell you this,” – Koch said. “The question arises: do you want to free the land? And for whom do you want to free it? For the Syrian refugees who will come and live on it? Because it will be an empty place… You are losing the country, and this is worse than losing a war.” , Koch said and added that “people are more important than land”.

He called on Zelensky to fulfill his election promise and start negotiations “even with the bald devil”to stop the death of Ukrainians. In response to the presenter’s objection that Putin himself does not want to end the war, Koch said that the President of the Russian Federation has expressed such proposals more than once. “If you turn on the iron, there are statements that Putin wants negotiations. The only way to find out is to sit down at the negotiating table. You will find out literally an hour after they started. Invite journalists, Sullivan, Scholz. If you deceived, you will get up and leave.”Koch said.

In response to Kiselyov’s remark that Zelensky could have a Maidan in the event of negotiations, the interlocutor objected that the Ukrainians do not want to fight, and this can be seen from the way “are committing atrocities” TCC. “The Verkhovna Rada, in which Zelensky has a majority, delayed the law on mobilization for five months. Why? Probably because the Ukrainian people did not really want this law to be adopted,” – Koch said.

For Ukraine, he considers a long war a losing strategy. “If you want to annoy Putin with an act of self-immolation of an entire people, well, okay,” Koch added. As for the West, it is not against negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, Koch believes. But due to the lack of such a desire on the part of the Ukrainian authorities, the United States is using this situation for its own purposes. “Western strategists decided that while this war is going on, Putin will definitely not attack Europe. We told them (the Ukrainian authorities) Red.) we talk all the time – sit down and talk. But they want to continue fighting. Well, okay, we give them weapons – just enough so that they don’t lose the desire to fight… And keep them on such a ration that they mutually annihilate, one army another,” – Koch said.

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