September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

NATO is moving towards activating nuclear weapons, preparing for a full-scale war with Russia and China

Bring more nuclear weapons into service, removing them from storage and putting them on alert in the face of the growing nuclear threat from Russia and China. NATO is considering the possibility of being prepared for an all-out war with the two superpowers, the head of the alliance said today.

For the first time, NATO included China in one “package” of threats with Russia and North Korea. This means that the West has realized that in the event of a military confrontation with Russia, China will be directly involved on its side, because it knows that if Moscow loses, it will be its turn. North Korea will also join this “bloc” along with Iran and possibly the BRICS countries.

As stated Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with the British newspaper Telegraph, consultations will be held between members of the alliance on the transparency of the use of their nuclear arsenal as a deterrent. “I won't go into operational detail about how many nuclear warheads should be in service and how many should be stored, but we need to consult on these issues. That's what we're doing.”he told the newspaper.

“Transparency helps to convey to people the clear message that we are, of course, a nuclear alliance. NATO's goal is a world without nuclear weapons, but as long as there are nuclear weapons, we will remain a nuclear alliance, because a world in which Russia, China and North Korea has nuclear weapons, but NATO does not – this is a more dangerous world.”, he commented. As Stoltenberg said last week, nuclear weapons are NATO's “ultimate security guarantee” and a means of maintaining peace.

Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses the United States and its European allies of bringing the world to the brink of nuclear conflict by providing Ukraine with billions of dollars in weapons, some of which are being used against Russian territory. NATO, which has taken a more active role in coordinating arms supplies to Kyiv, rarely talks about weapons publicly, although the United States is known to have nuclear bombs stationed at several sites in Europe.


Russia has published a map of military bases housing nuclear warhead arsenals in Europe, including countries such as Greece and Türkiye. It is worth noting that Greece has so far denied the presence of nuclear weapons on its territory. A few years ago, the Greek Communist Party made a parliamentary request asking for confirmation presence of nuclear weapons on territory of the countrybut never received a response. The Athens News reported back in May 2023 that the US appeared to be in a state of DEFCON 2.

DEFCON 2: US Strategic Forces Moved to Level 2 Readiness

What does DEFCON 2 mean? Ethat level precedes maximum combat readiness. Announced during the Cuban Missile Crisis (Strategic Air Command only – the military as a whole remained at DEFCON 3 and during Operation Desert Storm on January 15, 1991 (Joint Chiefs of Staff).

At the next level DEFCON I maximum combat readiness is provided. In other words, the United States is on the eve of a large-scale military conflict with the possible use of weapons of mass destruction. At this level of readiness of US troops never translatedonly in November 1983, as part of the ten-day NATO command exercise “Experienced Archer”, a drill corresponding to this level was practiced in Western Europe.

In this mode, the following occurs: B-1 strategic bombers take off. B-2, B-52, loaded with nuclear weapons, awaiting the final command. The world is one breath away from a nuclear war that simply won't leave this planet the same as it was before.

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