September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Attempted abduction of two children aged 7 and 9 years

Two hooded men attempted to approach two minor girls aged 7 and 9, causing a public outcry in the local community of Molos (Phthiotida).

The incident occurred at 19:30 on Sunday afternoon, 10 meters from the last houses of the village, where several children were carelessly playing. Hooded strangers (Full Face) came out of an olive grove, approached two little girls and said, “Come here.” According to the children's descriptions, one of them was wearing shorts and had a knife in his belt, and parts of the body that were not covered by clothing, such as the legs of one and the arms of both, seemed to indicate that they were “dark-skinned foreigners”, in addition to all speak Greek poorly.

The two children immediately ran towards their homes, calling the others to follow them. The parents immediately notified the police and a Kamen Vurla Police Department patrol car arrived on the scene, but found no one nearby.

Another witness reported suspicious car, spotted around the same time near a primary school, in which there were 4-5 Roma. But their presence is most likely associated with surveillance of someone’s house (possibly for the purpose of robbery), but certainly not with something as serious as child abduction. In addition, over the past 48 hours, there have been multiple attempts at fraud in the area using the well-known telephone trick “with a relative’s car involved in an accident,” writes

“We were horrified. In connection with this incident, we are very worried about our own children, especially at a time when school is over and they are left to their own devices,” says the mother of one of the girls who was walking that evening on the outskirts of the village.

Local authorities and police are investigating.

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