September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How does heat affect mental health?

Extreme heat can have a profound impact on mental health, affecting mood, cognitive performance and overall psychological well-being.

As global temperatures rise due to climate change, understanding the impact of extreme heat on mental health is becoming increasingly important. Here are a few problems that high air temperatures cause:

1. Increased stress and anxiety. High temperatures can increase stress levels. The discomfort and physical stress caused by extreme heat can lead to irritability and restlessness. People may experience feelings of anxiety or an inability to relax, which can worsen existing mental health conditions.

2. Sleep disturbance. Heat waves can significantly disrupt sleep patterns. High night temperatures make it difficult for the body to cool down, leading to poor sleep quality or insomnia. Sleep deprivation is closely linked to various mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and cognitive impairment.

3. Worsening of existing mental health conditions. For people with pre-existing mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety disorder, symptoms may worsen during periods of extreme heat. Medicines used to treat these conditions can also impair the body's ability to regulate temperature, making people more susceptible to heat (heat stroke, etc.).

4. Impaired cognitive functions. Excessive heat can impair cognitive functions such as concentration, decision making and reaction time. This can affect daily activities and work productivity, leading to increased mental fatigue. It is especially emphasized that when it is hot, the driver’s reaction speed decreases. Thus, an increase in temperature by just 6 degrees, from +21°C to +27°C, leads to an increase in reaction time by 21% (and what can we say about “Greek +47°C!).

5. Social isolation. During hot periods, people, especially elderly or with chronic illnesses may be advised to stay at home. This can lead to social isolation, which is a major cause of poor mental health in general (leading to reclusiveness). A lack of social interaction can increase feelings of loneliness and depression.

6. Increased risk of worsening heat-related conditions. Heat waves can lead to serious health problems such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which require emergency medical attention. The physical stress caused by these conditions can also affect mental health, causing concerns about personal safety and health.

7. Economic and environmental stress. Extreme heat often leads to higher energy bills due to increased use of air conditioners, which may cause financial difficulties. In addition, heat can damage crops and reduce water supplies, leading to economic stress for communities that depend on agriculture. These factors contribute to feelings of instability and anxiety.

Extreme heat has far-reaching effects that go beyond physical health and significantly impacts mental well-being. As heat waves become more common, it is important to develop strategies to mitigate their effects.

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