September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Elijah: Man arrested for beating, raping and robbing his partner

The arrest of a man accused of beating, “confining” his house and raping his partner was made by police from the Alice Security Department.

The partner was arrested yesterday at noon in one of the districts of Ilia, and a case has been opened against him for violating the law on domestic violence, rape, unlawful detainment, theft and embezzlement.

A woman filed a complaint against her live-in partner, accusing the man of grabbing her by the hair and punching her multiple times in the face and arms following an argument two weeks ago. The defendant then unlawfully detained her in their home by locking her and taking away her mobile phone to prevent her from receiving first aid and immediately reporting to the police.

In addition, according to the woman’s complaint, early yesterday morning the accused, taking advantage of the fact that she was awake, raped her and then left their house, taking her purse containing 350 euros.

As part of an investigation into the complaints, members of the Ilida Security Department and the Ilida Police Department's Special Monitoring Team located the accused at his home yesterday and arrested him.

During the subsequent investigation, nineteen (19) cannabis seedlings that he had been growing in pots were found and seized from the arrestee's home. The arrested person was taken to the Amaliada prosecutor's office.

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