September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

From June 1, men with dual citizenship or a residence permit in another country cannot leave Ukraine

The Border Service warns: Ukrainians with two passports or with a residence permit in another country are considered only as citizens of Ukraine, and they are subject to the rights and obligations of citizens of this country.

The speaker of the State Border Guard Service Andrei Demchenko warned about this, quotes Ukrainian edition “UP”:

“The wording that is being circulated on various resources that Ukrainians with dual citizenship will no longer be allowed out of the country, to put it mildly, is incorrect. Once again I can note that dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine. Even if Ukrainian citizens have a passport of another country, “They are, first of all, considered exclusively as citizens of Ukraine, and they are subject to the rights and responsibilities of citizens of our country.”

He emphasized that such norms are not new; they have been in effect before. In particular, border guards at the border have repeatedly identified citizens of Ukraine who were posing as foreigners at passport control. According to Demchenko, such citizens are always held accountable as defined by law.

He urged not to confuse these people with citizens of Ukraine who permanently reside abroad and who had in their documents the appropriate notes about registration of travel abroad for permanent residence and registration for permanent consular registration in a foreign diplomatic institution of Ukraine:

“Previously, such male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60 years also had the opportunity to travel outside of Ukraine during martial law. However, with changes in legislation, this opportunity is now limited for them.”

Earlier, the US Embassy in Ukraine reported on its official websiteWhat From June 1, Ukraine banned men liable for military service aged 18 to 60 who have dual citizenship from traveling abroad. The diplomatic mission recalled that Ukrainian legislation does not recognize dual citizenship.

For the majority of Ukrainian men affected by this innovation, it came as an unpleasant surprise, writes D.W. Someone found himself in complete limbo because at the time the State Border Guard Service began to follow the new rules, he was in Ukraine. In particular, this happened with Dmitry (name changed). The man has a permanent residence permit in Germany, where he was registered with the consulate back in 2003.

Dmitry permanently lives with his family in this country. He visited Ukraine from time to time, including during the full-scale invasion. And at the moment when the new border crossing rules came into force, he was in Kyiv. He did not try to leave Ukraine after June 1, however, according to him, his friends tried to do this and were refused.

In Ukraine, the man turned for clarification to the State Migration Service, where he was once again confirmed that Having a residence permit from another country is not a basis for leaving Ukraine and, according to him, they advised him to contact the territorial recruitment center.

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