September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece as a corridor for an invasion of Russia from the south – risks and questions

The editor of ProNews, Theophrastos Andreopoulos, believes that the use of Greek territory as “southern corridor” to invade Russia involves numerous risks and puts the country at risk direct risk of a nuclear strike from the Russian Federation.

“British newspaper report Telegraph“, which talks about five corridors to send 300,000 NATO troops to the Ukrainian front, can only be described as a “simple operation”, especially as regards Greece,” writes Andreopoulos.

“Besides Alexandroupolis, which will obviously be used, the alternative route Piraeus-Thessaloniki-Bulgaria, which the British are referring to, carries many risks, which are also related to the age of the railway network. In addition, the port of Piraeus is directly controlled by China in terms of cargo transportation. Everyone knows that it is impossible to transport anything without the knowledge of the Chinese, and if the Chinese know about it, then of course the Russians will know about it.”says ProNews editor.

“The route from Piraeus to the Greek-Bulgarian border is especially convenient for sabotage (we all saw what happened in Tempi, where there was not even sabotage, but a “mess” caused by a criminal failure in the system). Even if one assumes that NATO troops will physically check stations and junctions, as envisaged in the event of war, absolute knowledge of the contents of the cargo and routes from Piraeus to the Greek-Bulgarian border leaves open the possibility of sabotage that would specifically target trains carrying personnel in order to, among other things, have communicative exploitation by Russia.

As for the substance of the matter, as we understand it, Greece is a member of NATO, and if a decision on this is taken at the level of the alliance's central command, Athens will have to comply, otherwise it will follow the policies of Orbán or Fico in Slovakia, which we believe impossible not only for the present government, but also for any other government that may arise.

Simply put, there are no forces on the right or left of the political spectrum in the country that would replicate the ethnocentric foreign policy pursued by the Karamanlis government until 2009, when it was effectively abolished. The transfer of several tens of thousands of troops as part of a mission like “1919” certainly involves the participation of Greek units and especially the Air Force. We will see the rest as events develop and especially if this plan is implemented by NATO.

Of course, if Russia is defeated and Greece takes an active part in dividing up the remains of Russia, it will likely be rewarded (hopefully in a better way than the “rewards” of World Wars I and II), since it will risk the destruction of the ports (Piraeus and Alexandroupolis ) and airports (110 PM Larisa)”, the editor sums up skeptically ProNews.

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