September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Where does the income come from?": Politicians get rich, but Greeks work all their lives to… end up in debt

The behind-the-scenes showdown between Kasselakis and Mitsotakis over who got the property and money and where it came from is having an extremely negative impression on Greek citizens.

The latest episode is a clash between Stefanos Kasselakis and Kyriakos Mitsotakis over the source of the former's money, in which the opposition leader stated that the millions of dollars he has in his account are the result of his investment activities. And this quarrel is heard by citizens, most of whom barely earn 1000 euros per month, and expenses amount to… 2000 euros per month!

One opposition leader asks the Prime Minister how he acquired 39 properties in recent years, presenting a parliamentary allowance of around 8,000 euros as his main income.

In the morning, Antonis Georgiades called the “behind the scenes” of Stefanos Kasselakis “the tale of Halim” and said that in reality the President of SYRIZA “owed half a million euros and will have to explain how he lives.” He even announced the initiation of a criminal case against the opposition leader himself!

Of course, the pompous “pretense” is not limited to just the Leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister, it extends to ministers and, of course, affects politicians from all parties. Both the wallets of “New Democracy” (like, for example, the Varvitsiotis family) and the wallets of SYRIZA (everyone remembers the “backstage” Dimitris Papadimoulis with his numerous real estate, as well as other members of the same party) finance parties and personally their leaders for the “correct “government work.

Not a single prime minister of Greece over the past 50 years has actually worked anywhere (not counting the sinecures where their parents arranged for them in their youth), but all of them are rich or were rich. How is this possible? All hardworking Greeks ask themselves this question, wondering why they themselves did not get rich and were unable to save a penny for themselves.

Are politicians really that good at governing and have that much money? Are they really that good and have such high skills that they have a great job for a few thousand euros and end up owning 40 properties? Those who have never or almost never worked officially and have a parliamentary allowance as their official income, which allows them to purchase real estate worth several million euros?

Purchasing a large property (we mean really large, not the several hundred thousand euros that is the average) requires many millions, but owning and maintaining it requires equally large funds due to ΕΝΦΙΑ and many other ongoing expenses. Politicians are probably smarter than other citizens and manage their lives better.

The oxymoron is that citizens subsequently vote for such people in order to improve their own lives. But it is extremely difficult for a person living at a higher economic level to understand the problems of someone who is on the verge of the “twilight zone”, as is the case with the vast majority of citizens.

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