September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Opening of the bathing season: the dangers of cold water

An early opening of the swimming season can lead to heart problems, say Greek doctors.

Opening the swimming season early can be risky due to a number of factors caused by immersion in cold water. “The first and perhaps most serious risk is hypothermia. At immersing a person in cold water his body begins to lose heat much faster than when the water temperature in the reservoir is warm or moderate. This can lead to the development of hypothermia, when body temperature drops below normal, which leads to health problems,” explains the expert.

According to the doctor, this is due to the release of a large amount of adrenaline at the moment when a person is immersed in cold water. Further blood vessels constrictblood flow through the vessels accelerates, blood flow in the internal organs increases and blood flow in small capillaries of the skin decreases.

Especially This condition is dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseasesas it increases load on the heart. “When a person comes out of cold water, blood flow to the skin increases, the heartbeat slows down and a large amount of endorphins (pleasure hormones) is released,” say experts.

XCold water can cause a reflex increase in heart rate, which may increase your risk of developing arrhythmias and other heart problems. Hypothermia can also cause muscle spasms, heart and breathing problems, and in extreme cases threatens to be fatal.

“Therefore, before plunging into cold water, it is important to take into account all the above factors and take precautions,” the doctor concluded.

Let us remind you that in Crete on June 1 at sea boy drowned 7 years.

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