September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Freelancers and scientists appeal to the State Council regarding imputed income

Freelancers and scientists filed an appeal to the Council of State (Greek Supreme Court), demanding to cancel decision of the head of the Hellenic Tax Administration (ΑΑΔΕ), calling into question the minimum annual income from business activities and the timing of relevant checks.

This appeal is the first legal action as the professionals have stated that they will pursue further appeals to the ΑΑΔΕ Dispute Resolution Office and, if necessary, will proceed to further appeals in the competent administrative courts of first instance.

The main issue that arises concerns the way tax authorities calculate the minimum taxable income of professionals, which uses presumptive criteria. These criteria result in income calculations that are significantly higher than the actual income declared by professionals, causing significant dissatisfaction and opposition.

Representatives of liberal professions and scientists argue that ΑΑΔΕ's decision violates the principles of fairness and proportionality of taxation, because the taxes often non-existent income, creating significant financial burden. By contacting the Civil Service, they seek to have this decision reversed and restore the previous system for calculating taxable income, which, in their opinion, is fairer and reflects their real financial situation.

This comes at a time when trade groups are seeking legal protection from decisions that they say harm their interests and worsen their tax burden.

The final decision of the HS is expected with great interest, as it will determine the tax framework for freelancers and scientists in the coming years.

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