September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Attack on Crimea on May 30: 4 boats, 2 ferries and a pilot boat were damaged or destroyed

The Russian telegram channel ASTRA reports that as a result of today's attack on the Crimean Peninsula, four boats, a pilot boat and two ferries – a car and a railway – were destroyed or damaged.

Five people were injured. At the Kerch ferry crossing, fragments of a downed rocket damaged the pilot boat “Dream” – it sank. The crew members were not injured; they managed to leave the ship.

The ferries Conroe Trader and Avangard were also damaged, the latter ran aground, sources say channel in emergency services. On the Conroe Trader ferry, one of the crew members was injured; on the Avangard, 4 people were injured, including 19-year-old trainees.

Four KS 701 transport and landing boats were damaged, the destruction of two of which was reported to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

As our publication reported, on the night of May 30 Crimea was attacked at night and in the morning. Explosions were heard in Kerch, and Magura V5 naval drones attacked and hit two boats near the village of Chernomorskoye, Evpatoria region. Military intelligence confirmed the destruction of two high-speed transport and landing boats KS-701 “Tuna”.

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