September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Sabah: “Türkiye will respond to Greece’s marine parks with its own… marine parks!”

Turkish newspaper Sabah reports that Ankara is about to embark on its own plan to create marine parks.

According to a Turkish newspaper, drawing up a map of marine parks in Turkey is a “response move” to Greece's announcement to create two marine parks. The representative of the Turkish Ministry of National Defense, Rear Admiral Zeki Akturk, said a month ago: “The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on April 8, 2024 that two major marine parks will be declared in the Aegean and Ionian Seas.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country has taken the necessary diplomatic initiatives regarding the planned parks and stated that one-sided de facto situations on “Islands, islets and rocks, the sovereignty of which has not been transferred by treaties, will not be accepted and will have no legal consequences. As a ministry, we are vigilant in protecting our rights and interests in the Aegean Sea, and preventing Greece from attempting to create a unilateral status.”

The same line of argument is repeated in a Turkish newspaper article in which the journalist who signed it refers to the statement “a Turkish official who spoke on condition of anonymity” who allegedly said that the Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure was going to draw up a map of its own marine parks in the region, without specifying which zone he was talking about.

In fact, neither Greece nor Turkey need these marine parks, just someone advised Kyriakos Mitsotakis that this method could allow Greece, under the pretext of environmental programs, to gain more rights to the disputed territories. As it turned out from the above Turkish response, this game can be played by two.

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