September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Duty on electric vehicles transported on sea vessels

An unpleasant surprise awaits owners of electric and hybrid cars this summer, who will be asked to pay a “duty” in addition to the cost of the vehicle ticket if they decide to go to the islands.

After the uproar that arose during the Easter days over the authorities’ decision that “an electric car with no more than 40% battery charge can be loaded onto the ferry” (to avoid spontaneous combustion). Apparently, some companies have decided to charge an additional 10 euros for electric and hybrid cars (compared to conventional cars of the same size). In particular, in the photo we see a form for booking a trip to Tinos, where a regular one costs 67 euros, and for an electric and hybrid one you will have to pay 77 euros.


While communicating with the responsible staff of Fast Ferries, which operates routes from Rafina to the Aegean Islands, we were informed that this the amount relates to the costs incurred by the shipping company to ensure the higher level of safety required for the transport of electric vehicles. However, without specifying what it is.

The invoice (photo above) shows that the 40% levy is “fixed” as mandatory for the transportation of this type of vehicle by ferries in our country.

As you know, there are more publications abroad that mention this rather absurd decision. They warn foreign visitors to Greece that they are likely to will face serious problems if they travel to Greece with their electric car. In particular, the large German organization ADAC, which has great influence on travelers in the country and abroad, states in a message on its official website that “if you intend to travel to Greece with an electric car, you have no choice but to plan your route in accordance with charging stations available along your route. Because it is necessary that you arrive at the ship terminal with a battery charge level of 30-40%.”

And this is also noted. New rules irritate German tourists traveling with electric cars because The charging network in Greece is still relatively small (about 2000). They are mainly located in the south of the country, along main transport routes and around major cities, with Athens having the most charging options. On the islands the network is much less dense.

But more importantly, ADAC experts see no evidence that electric vehicles are more dangerous in fire than vehicles with internal combustion engines. Of course completely exclude possibility of car fire due to a malfunction it is never possible, but this applies to all types of vehicles.

However, ADAC sees a need to act: fire scenarios for electric vehicles and internal combustion engines differ significantly, and many ship crews are inexperienced in this matter. Insurers, in particular, have repeatedly noted that much remains to be done here.

In any case, the situation that has developed for owners of electric and hybrid cars for traveling on ships should worry the relevant ministries, since it all seems to harm the image of our country on the eve of the tourist season.

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