September 28, 2024

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Michelle Obama could become… US President (video)

At 60 years old, the wife of former US President Barack Obama, Michelle, may well return to the White House as president.

How tells publication BB.LV, her rating is at the level of Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. The German magazine Spiegel published under the headline “Women’s Dream – President Michelle Obama.” Apparently, Washington is seriously discussing the possibility of replacing Biden with Obama's wife as a presidential candidate. Alfreda Hiett, who is already queuing outside the convention center at half past seven in the morning to be close to her idol, says:

“Replacing Biden with Michelle Obama at the last second and thus preventing Donald Trump from entering the White House: many Americans are hoping for this scenario. There have been rumors for months that the former first lady might run, that at the Democratic National Convention in August, Joe Biden would make a grand gesture to announce his departure and nominate Michelle Obama to replace him. I would vote for her.”

When a tabloid recently published a column saying Obama was urging the president not to run again, Michelle said she fully supported Biden's campaign, which naturally didn't stop the rumors. Bookmakers still consider Michelle one of the most promising candidates in the November presidential election:

“At first glance, she looks like the antithesis of the two older people: a woman who hasn't let the pressures and cynicism of the political business poison her and has maintained a disarming candor despite 8 years in the White House. Her great gift is to be iconic while still seeming relatable “.

In the American media, lawyer Michelle Obama is often compared to Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. She is the first African-American First Lady of the United States in history. In the garden of the presidential residence, Michelle Obama planted a vegetable garden: on a small plot of land she planned to grow cheap and tasty organic vegetables. In this endeavor, she has been compared to Eleanor Roosevelt, who began growing vegetables on her property at the height of the Great Depression.

Michelle Obama was ranked 93rd on the Maxim Top 100 list in 2009. In 2010, she took first place in the ranking of the 100 most powerful women in the world compiled by Forbes magazine.

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