September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

What happens after turning on an empty microwave (video)

Do you know what happens when you turn on an empty microwave? In just a few minutes you will “say goodbye” to her.

How explains BB.LV, the metal walls inside the device, including the grille on the door, mirror the high-frequency radio waves generated by the magnetron until they hit the heated product. Giving up their energy, microwaves are absorbed by it. However, in the absence of such an absorber, they return to the magnetron, using the energy to heat it and other elements.

After a short period of time, the equipment fails, and a fire is possible. But even if you are lucky and the microwave remains operational, its service life will be significantly reduced. When purchasing this essential item for your home, please note: some models have thermal fuses or idle start protection.

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