October 6, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The myth about the “biggest exodus on Easter” was refuted by statistics

When the pro-government media tried to convince the population that citizens had money to spend, despite the terrible cost, because some decided to go home for the Easter weekend, talking about “the biggest trips in the last 10 years”, they, They were probably not properly informed, or they lied deliberately.

This is because, compared to 2017, 345,000 fewer cars left for Easter in 2024! Thus, another convenient myth was created to show the “prosperity” that the citizens had.

So, from the articles of the same publications it follows that in 2017, when Greece was experiencing a “difficult memorandum”, the Easter exodus amounted to 770,000 cars, while this year, when everything is going very well in the economy, the exodus was 425,000 cars .

It is no coincidence that the Prime Minister himself, in an interview with Adonis Sroiter, said on this matter that citizens “they saw that they had money for such trips”! “You mentioned Easter… as I said, as an encouraging fact that people finally have enough disposable income to be able to travel. … But this is certainly not the picture that we saw in Greece five or ten years ago…”

But the facts indicate that before these “5-10 years” many more people traveled outside of Athens.

It seems that K. Mitsotakis's advisers are not giving him the right data, or are simply keeping him in a “fishbowl”, isolated from the real world. However, there is an opinion that the prime minister is well aware of the real situation in the country, but deliberately puts on a “good face on a bad game” in order to assure the electorate that the country is going the right way.

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